
Seasonal Dental Care Tips for Canadians: Navigating Winter, Summer, and Everything in Between

Posted by On 21-05-2024

The seasons change, but your need for proper oral care does not. Caring for your teeth and gums is essential whether it’s hot and sunny, snowy and cold, or anything in between.

Depending on the time of year, however, you will encounter different oral health challenges. In this article, we will address some common obstacles (and opportunities). That way, you can enjoy oral health throughout the year…and for many years to come!


1. Embrace spring cleaning

Spring cleaning isn’t just for the garage. You should also take the opportunity to refresh your at-home oral hygiene kit. Specifically, replace your toothbrush, clean your toothbrush holder, and throw out any expired products.

Your toothbrush should be replaced every three months or whenever the bristles start to fray. If you can’t remember the last time you got a new toothbrush, then now’s the time. Frayed toothbrushes don’t clean as effectively.

2. Wear a mouthguard when playing sports

If you’re planning on playing sports this spring and summer, then you need a mouthguard to protect your teeth. Every year, thousands of Canadians damage their teeth, sometimes severely. You can crack or chip a tooth or, even worse, knock out a tooth entirely.

Wearing a mouthguard can prevent these types of injuries and reduce their severity. Custom-made mouthguards, created by your dentist specifically for your mouth, are the most comfortable and offer the greatest level of protection.

3. Eat fresh vegetables and fruit for stronger teeth

With springs comes an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. Filling your diet with nature’s bounty is fantastic for your overall health, as well as your oral health. Vegetables and fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients essential for healthy teeth and gums.

Calcium-rich foods like dairy, soy, and leafy greens help to keep your teeth strong. Meanwhile, fibrous foods stimulate saliva production and scrub away plaque.


1. Stay hydrated with water

As temperatures rise in summer, stay hydrated with water. Drinking water instead of a sugary or acidic beverage is one of the easiest things you can do to support your oral health. Water keeps you hydrated, promotes saliva production, and helps rinse away lingering food particles and residue.

Conversely, beverages that are high in sugar or highly acidic promote tooth decay. You should keep these drinks (like fruit juices, pop, and alcohol) to a minimum.

2. Assemble an oral hygiene travel kit

You don’t want to forget your toothbrush or toothpaste while packing for vacation! Putting together an oral hygiene travel kit in advance can help. Keep your travel kit in your suitcase or carry-on at all times. That way, it’s always there when you need it.

Travel-sized oral care tools (like toothpaste and mouthwash) can be packed in your carry-on bag. Use these during long flights to stick to your normal dental care routine.

3. Visit your dental clinic before you leave on vacation

We recommend visiting your dental clinic before leaving on vacation to ensure that your teeth are in tip-top shape. After all, the last thing anyone wants on holiday is a dental emergency. Your dentist will check for any developing oral health issues before you board the plane, so you can enjoy your trip worry (and pain) free.


1. Prevent Halloween cavities

Halloween is autumn’s biggest oral health challenge. Candy floods our homes, tempting children and parents alike. Unfortunately, increased sugar intake increases your risk of cavities and tooth decay.

It’s very important that every member of your family sticks to their dental hygiene routine, drinks plenty of water, and adheres to a few rules around candy consumption. For example, don’t snack on candy, eat sweet treats with meals, donate any extra candy, and have a daily candy limit.

2. Back-to-school oral care

Your child should see their dentist before heading back to school. Their mouth will be checked for any damage that occurred over the summer or for developing tooth decay. Plus, the dentist monitors their oral development and assesses if orthodontic treatment is required.


1. Limit your sugar intake

The holidays are a time to eat, drink, and be merry. Unfortunately, much of what we’re eating and drinking is high in sugar. As our sugar intake skyrockets over winter, so does our risk of developing tooth decay and cavities.

Consequently, it’s essential to limit your sugar consumption as much as possible. When you do indulge, do so at meal times when saliva production is highest. Rinse your mouth with water after eating something particularly sweet to wash away sugar residue.

2. Keep snacking to a minimum

Our sugar consumption isn’t the only thing that increases over the holidays, so does our snacking! Unfortunately, snacking is not good for your oral health. Frequent grazing turns your mouth into a permanently acidic environment, which can lead to tooth decay and a post-holiday cavity.

3. Don’t use your teeth like tools

When you’re struggling to open an intensely wrapped present at Christmas, don’t use your teeth. Your teeth are great for breaking down food; however, they’re not actual tools. They’re not strong enough to open packages or gifts without serious risk. You could crack a tooth and require emergency dental care.

Throughout the Year

1. Stay consistent with your oral hygiene habits

Regardless of the time of year, you need to stay consistent with your oral hygiene habits. Your at-home dental care plays an essential role in the prevention of cavities, gum disease, and other health conditions. Make sure you’re doing the following:

  • Brush twice a day for a full two minutes.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle while brushing.
  • Brush in small circular motions.
  • Floss your teeth every day.
  • Rinse using an antiseptic mouthwash.

2. Visit your dental clinic regularly

Regular visits to your preferred dental clinic are crucial for your long-term oral health. These appointments give us an opportunity to check for any developing health conditions so we can proceed swiftly with treatment.

You also receive a professional deep cleaning, which removes plaque and tartar buildup that can cause cavities. You should visit your dentist at Milltown Dental every six months.

Milltown Dental: Milton’s Favourite Dental Clinic!

Milltown Dental provides comprehensive dental care for our patients in Milton, Ontario. No matter the time of year, we’re here to help you care for your teeth and gums. We provide the highest quality patient care in a warm and welcoming environment.

Are you looking for a dental clinic in Milton, Ontario? To learn more about our great services, call Milltown Dental at (833) 318-3281 or contact us here.

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  • Posted on 09-08-2024 by Patrick Stewart

    Your advice on winter care and summer hydration is especially useful. I appreciate the clear guidance, which makes it easier to keep my teeth healthy year-round.