
What to Ask Your Dentist During Your Next Visit

Posted by On 8-10-2024

Your routine dental visits are essential for maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. During these appointments, you receive a professional cleaning and thorough examination. However, they’re also the perfect opportunity to learn more about the current state of your mouth and the best way to care for it.

During your next dental visit at Milltown Dental, don’t be afraid to ask your dentist the following questions. It’s our job to keep you informed about your oral health—and we love to do it!

How is my overall oral health?

This is a great question to start with during your visits to the dental clinic. You should walk away from your appointment understanding the exact state of your mouth and how to best manage your day-to-day care until your next visit.

If your dentist discovers any serious dental issues in your mouth, it’s their responsibility to explain them accurately and clearly. Nonetheless, you want the complete picture.

It’s important for you to know the specifics of your oral health, including developing, minor, severe, and potential issues. When you learn about the less urgent things going on inside your mouth, it’s easier to take the right steps to take care of your oral health.

Consequently, ask your dentist to give you a summary of your overall dental health. They should tell you whether you’re brushing and flossing correctly, how your gums look, and if there are any areas that you need to keep an eye on (or take extra care to look after).

Do you foresee any future problems?

It’s fantastic that your teeth and gums are in great condition right now. That means you’re doing a good job taking care of them. However, you could still run into problems in the future. Your dentist may be able to predict future issues based on subtle warning signs going on within your mouth.

For instance, weakened enamel can lead to future cavities and sensitivity. Therefore, you should take steps to protect your enamel, such as avoiding acidic foods, ditching the abrasive toothpaste, and brushing more gently.

How can I keep my teeth and gums in good condition?

As dentists, we love this question! It shows that you’re committed to keeping your mouth healthy and are willing to take steps to protect your teeth and gums.

Visiting our dental clinic in Milton every six months is an important part of your long-term oral health. However, your at-home dental hygiene habits are also essential. Remember to brush twice a day for two minutes, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

You should also floss once per day to remove hard-to-reach food debris and bacteria. Diet, too, plays a role in your oral health. Consequently, minimize your intake of sugary food and beverages in exchange for more water and vegetables, and quit smoking.

What does this pain or sensitivity mean?

Make sure to communicate any and all of your dental concerns with your dentist. If you’re experiencing pain or sensitivity, we need to know. Tooth sensitivity and pain often results from cavities, which require prompt treatment in the form of fillings. Untreated cavities only worsen and can, eventually, require more invasive procedures like root canals.

Weakened enamel can also cause sensitivity and pain. Similarly, teeth with fillings can be more sensitive than your other teeth. You’ll only know for sure after you tell your Milton dental clinic. Don’t hesitate to bring it up.

Are there signs that I grind my teeth?

Many people grind their teeth without realizing it. Sleep bruxism is when you unconsciously clench and grind your teeth as you sleep. Since this happens when you’re asleep, many patients are unaware of it. However, there are signs.

Headaches, jaw aches, and a popping sound in your jawline can all point to nighttime grinding. Your dentist will also be able to look for signs that your teeth are being worn down.

Grinding your teeth has negative health consequences for your teeth and gums. You can wear down your enamel, damage your teeth, and end up with a jaw disorder. If you suffer from bruxism, you may need to wear a custom mouthguard while you sleep to protect your teeth from further damage.

What type of toothbrush and toothpaste should I use?

Not all toothbrushes or toothpastes are created equal. Some can even damage your teeth. For example, hard-bristled toothbrushes can wear down your precious (and fragile) tooth enamel, leaving your teeth vulnerable to infection. Consequently, you should only ever use soft-bristled, nylon toothbrushes. If you’re not sure if your current toothbrush is hurting or helping you, ask your dental clinic in Milton.

Your dentist can also recommend the best toothpaste for your mouth. You should use a toothpaste with fluoride; however, there are nearly endless varieties out there. Depending on the state of your mouth and your dental goals, your dentist can point you in the right direction.

What is the best way to whiten my teeth?

Everyone wants a brighter, more attractive smile. However, some whitening methods are more effective and safer than others.

Over-the-counter whitening kits often fail to deliver the desired results. Furthermore, they can cause tooth sensitivity by damaging the enamel. There are all sorts of harsh chemicals in these at-home whitening kits, some of which are not good for your oral health.

Milltown Dental offers professional teeth whitening services that are highly effective and completely safe. You can brighten your smile either at our office or using one of our take-home whitening kits. (Don’t worry, we will explain how to use them correctly.)

How often should I come in for a checkup?

Most patients should visit us every six months for a checkup and professional cleaning. This is the optimum schedule since it keeps plaque and tartar in check, thus helping to prevent cavities and gum disease.

That being said, every mouth is different. Depending on the state of your oral health, you may need to come by our Milton dental clinic more frequently. That way, we can monitor any ongoing health risks and protect your teeth and gums.

Milltown Dental: Milton’s Favourite Dental Clinic

Milltown Dental is a highly experienced dental clinic in Milton, Ontario. We take pride in providing the highest quality patient care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. After all, our goal is to care for your oral health so you can live your best life. Our personalized treatment plans ensure that you receive the care you need!

To schedule your next checkup at our dental clinic, call Milltown Dental at (833) 318-3281 or contact us here.

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